Monday, October 23, 2006

In the Beginning Was the Word: 100 Best First Lines From Novels

100. The cold passed reluctantly from the earth, and the retiring fogs revealed an army stretched out on the hills, retiring -- Stephen Crane, The Red Badge of Courage (1895)

99. They say that when trouble comes, close ranks, and so the white people did. -- Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea (1966)

98. High, high above the North Pole, on the first day of 1969, two professors of English Literature approached each other at a combined velocity of 1200 miles per hour. -- David Lodge, Changing Places (1975)

Intrigued? Read the complete list in the Jan-Feb 2006 issue of American Book Reivew (available in Academic Search Premier) or visit LitLine at

Librarian Liaisons List

Have a question about library resources? Need biblipgraphic instruction? Want to recommend a book, DVD or database?
Who ya gonna call?
Find your librarian liaison below!

Angela Ieli x3866
Art (2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional)
Piano Pedagogy
Vocal Studies

Becky Rathgeber x3852
Computer Science
Hospitality and Tourism Management
Information Systems
International Business Management

Riley Moffat x3884
Exercise and Sports Science
Physical Education
Political Science

Matt Kester x3869

Valerie Buck x3880

Marynelle Chew x3863
Social Work

Rose Ram x3882
Elementary Education
Hawaiian Studies
Interdisciplinary Studies**
International Cultural Studies (Anthropology, Communications, Humanities)
Pacific Island Studies
Secondary Education
Special Education
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
TESOL Education

**All librarians assist with Interdisciplinary Studies

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Grove Art Online Updated

This month, Grove Art Online was updated to enlarge the broad coverage of women in Grove Art Online by adding nearly 120 new articles and essays on women artists and designers, and over 120 new images of works by women, to include over 850 women artists. New entries include Kara Walker, Shahzia Sikander, Hildegard of Bingen, Valie Export, Guerrilla Girls, Destiny Deacon, Sheila de Bretteville, Paula Scher and more.

This month, we are also celebrating The Dictionary of Art's 10th anniversary. The Dictionary of Art (34 volumes, 1996), created with the participation of over 6,700 scholars, is the foundation of this remarkable online resource. Today nearly 1,000 art historians contribute to Grove Art Online's editorial program. We hope you will continue to find the growing diversity and depth of this resource valuable and enjoyable.

We'd also like to announce the landmark agreement with The Metropolitan Museum of Art for 2,000 images to be included in the Grove Art Online by Summer 2007.

Monday, October 09, 2006

RedLightGreen service ending

Message from the vendor:

RLG, RedLightGreen's parent not-for-profit company has combined forces with another organization that supports a similar service, We have decided to invest all of our efforts into developing and supporting a single product rather than continuing to support two.

We'd like to encourage you to update your RedLightGreen bookmarks to point to, and to try out this new service that will help you find books and other research resources provided by nearly 12,000 libraries worldwide. Like RedLightGreen, will help you get access to research materials at your local library. is easy to use, and supports many of the same features as RedLightGreen; the one service that does not currently support is citation formatting, but we are working on implementing this feature in in the near future.

If you saved citations in RedLightGreen, you can retrieve your citation list from RedLightGreen until November 4th by following these steps:
- Connect to RedLightGreen Use the Sign In link (if you aren't automatically signed in)
- Click the Your List link in the upper right
- You can then select the E-Mail link to send your citations to your e-mail account, or get a printer-friendly view to print or download

If you have questions or comments, use the Feedback link on any page in RedLightGreen to let us know. We want to take this opportunity to thank you for using RedLightGreen. We wish you the best of luck in locating useful books and other research resources.

The RedLightGreen Team