Tuesday, September 20, 2005

New Donations and Acquisitions

The Joseph F. Smith Library Archives and Special Collections is pleased to announce the donation of a new manuscript collection. The seven-volume handwritten journals of Horace Walter Woolley were recently donated by Christopher Woolley, H.W. Woolley's grandson, in order to preserve the items in perpetuity and to make available more important primary sources on the history of the Hawaiian Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and the history of the La'ie Sugar Plantation.

Horace Walter Woolley served a mission in Hawaii from 1910-1912 and his seven handwritten diaries describe all aspects of early nineteenth century mission life, from laboring on the La'ie Plantation to proselyting throughout the Hawaiian Islands. A dedicated and descriptive diarist, H.W. Woolley was also the nephew of then Hawaiian Mission President and La'ie Plantation Manager Samuel Woolley. The collection is being processed and will be available for patron access by October 1st.