Thursday, October 27, 2005

Find materials in our library with Yahoo! or Google

Now you can locate items in the Joseph F. Smith Library using the Web search sites you use at home and work. Thanks to our participation in the global library catalog WorldCat, our records are searchable at Yahoo! and Google.

Simply visit or and enter "Find in a Library" (as a phrase, including quote marks) plus one or more search terms. Your returned results will include links with the prefix "Find in a Library" and the name of a library-owned item that matches your search terms.

Follow the link to the WorldCat Find in a Library interface, where you'll see information about the item -- often including a cover image. Enter your ZIP postal code beneath that information to see a list of libraries that have the item. If the library owns it, our name will appear as a link that leads directly to our Web site and the online record for the item!

Want to "Find in a Library" no matter where you are on the Web? Visit to install one of several browser plug-ins. You'll have always-there access to library searching, right from your browser's menu bar!