Unsolicited, Unwelcome, and Unwanted Advice from a Seventy-Five-Year-Old Woman to College Students
by Marjorie Pay Hinckley
The title of my remarks is: "Unsolicited, Unwelcome, Unwanted Advice from a Seventy-Five-Year-Old Woman." There are quite a few not-so-wonderful things about growing old, so there ought to be some rewards. One of them certainly is that you can give unsolicited, unwelcome, and unwanted advice. There are other advantages, too. By the time you've reached the age of seventy-five, you are what you are. You don't have to prove anything anymore.
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The library has two copies of the book from which this excerpt comes, "Glimpses into the Life and Heart of Marjorie Pay Hinckley" by Virginia H. Pearce:
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